KaneKong at the Movies

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

PSA: Start Complaining

I find the theater owners claims very dubious, but please read (from imdb.com news):

Few Protests Over Theater Ads, Say Movie Chains

Despite numerous published commentaries of late about how movie theater ads are driving away patrons, exhibitors maintain that they have received few complaints from the public about them and that many moviegoers actually like them. Pam Blase, a spokeswoman for AMC Entertainment, which operates the country's second-largest movie chain, told the Houston Chronicle that the chain receives one complaint for every 600,000 guests. Terrell Falk of Cinemark USA, the nation's third-largest chain, added that recent research concluded that filmgoers regard ads as "just part of the experience." His remarks were echoed by Jim Kozak, editor-in-chief of In Focus, the magazine of the National Association of Theater Owners. "When [patrons] get there early to get a really good seat, they like to have something to keep them busy, something to do besides talk to the person they came with."

Really? Please join me in wishing a heartfelt 'Fuck You' to 'Jim Kozak, editor-in-chief of In Focus, the magazine of the National Association of Theater Owners'.

United Artist theaters are the principal offenders of this idiocy. They play, 'The Twenty' (20 minutes of advertisements), at full volume, making conversation with your friends not 'a choice', but 'not an option'. Assfucks. And, as 'The Twenty' wraps up, just before the 15 minutes of often unbearable movie trailers, they declare "If you missed any part of 'The Twenty', be sure to show up earlier next time". For reals. This is a good time for you to impress your date. Get up from your seat and make a complaint. If you really want to impress her, make an announcement to the audience, 'Hey, I'm heading to the box office to complain. Anyone wanna join me?'. Rally 'em like Bluto, "What the fuck happened to the Delta I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? "Ooh, we're afraid to go with you Bluto, we might get in trouble." Well just kiss my ass from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this. Wormer, he's a dead man!" United Artists, dead! AMC... Then watch everyone get behind you, like those people on the subway train in 'Spiderman 2' (2003). Bust some chops!!! This ain't a game.

Please, for the lov'a rationality.

AMC is starting this trend too, so far they haven't been playing the commercials quite as loud as UA. But it is only going to get louder unless you throw a bit of a wobbler. Do it for common decency. Do it for your children. This isn't anything that involves paperwork, just a quick walk to the lobby and a brief ventilation of your contempt.

Dude, they're totally smothering YOUR TIME. You could be chatting up your date, swapping trivia, swapping spit, winning an argument, making fun of the guy behind you, whining about the cost of a Pepsi. This is never going to happen again unless you make a complaint.

On top of making a complaint at the theater please visit CaptiveAudience.org

This website is not a free pass from making a physical complaint, just a little butter on top of the bread.
You are so worth it.

(Thanks to Zoe and Colin for their contributions to this post)


  • The last time I went to the Bay St. AMC, they didn't play commercials! Just the previews and then the movie. It was great. This was a couple weeks ago, and I saw two movies that weekend, neither had commercials. They're listening to someone!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:13 PM  

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